90 Best Theology Blogs and Websites in 2024

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Theology Blogs

Here are 90 Best Theology Blogs you should follow in 2024

1. Andy Naselli Thoughts on Theology

Andy Naselli Thoughts on Theology The articles on my website are my 'thoughts on theology' that overflow from my vocation. I add new content about once each week and typically highlight resources I find helpful and that fellow Christians may also find helpful. Blog by Andy Naselli.
Blog andynaselli.com
Twitter Followers 7.5K Frequency 1 post / month Domain Authority 48 Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.

2. The Christian Century | Theology

The Christian Century | Theology The Christian Century is a progressive, ecumenical magazine based in Chicago. Committed to thinking critically and living faithfully, the Century explores what it means to believe and live out the Christian faith in our time.
Blog christiancentury.org
Facebook Followers 19.5KTwitter Followers 20.1K Frequency 9 posts / week Domain Authority 60 Get Email Contact

3. Church Life Journal

Church Life Journal Church Life Journal is published by the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. The McGrath Institute for Church Life partners with Catholic dioceses, parishes and schools to address pastoral challenges with theological depth and rigor.
Blog churchlifejournal.nd.edu
Facebook Followers 14.8KTwitter Followers 7.1KInstagram Followers 1.6K Frequency 3 posts / week Domain Authority 84 Get Email Contact

4. Monergism | Reformation Theology Blog

Monergism | Reformation Theology Blog Monergism.com is a free, comprehensive online theological library comprised of Reformed Christian resources designed to bring glory to Jesus Christ alone. The directory consists of original and aggregated content from around the world emphasizing the good news that salvation is God's free gift for guilty sinners, not a reward for the righteous.
Blog monergism.com
Frequency 9 posts / week Domain Authority 53 Get Email Contact

5. Patheos | Jackson Wu - Doing Theology. Thinking Mission.

Patheos | Jackson Wu - Doing Theology. Thinking Mission. This blog hopes to play a role in spurring discussion and sharing resources so that the global church would further develop a missiological theology and a theological missiology. We cannot afford to separate missiology and theology. Missiology separated from theology is little more than anthropology and sociology. Theology distinguished from missiology is abstraction.
Blog patheos.com
Facebook Followers 681Twitter Followers 1.2K Frequency 1 post / day Domain Authority 84 Get Email Contact

6. Douglas Wilson

Douglas Wilson The point of Blog & Mablog is pretty broad — 'All of Christ for all of life.' In order to make that happen, we need 'theology that bites back.'
Blog dougwils.com
Twitter Followers 50.1K Frequency 2 posts / day Domain Authority 53 Get Email Contact

7. Triablogue

Triablogue Serious Trinitarian Theology. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Blog triablogue.blogspot.com
Twitter Followers 3.4K Frequency 1 post / day Domain Authority 43 Get Email Contact

8. Political Theology Today

Political Theology Today A forum for interdisciplinary and interreligious dialogue. The blog for the journal Political Theology, commenting on the intersection between religion, politics and culture.
Blog politicaltheology.com
Facebook Followers 4.9KTwitter Followers 569 Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 47 Get Email Contact

9. Experimental Theology

Experimental Theology You are not big enough to accuse the whole age effectively, but let us say you are in dissent. You are in no position to issue commands, but you can speak words of hope. Shall this be the substance of your message? Be human in this most inhuman of ages; guard the image of man for it is the image of God.
Blog experimentaltheology.blogspot.com
Frequency 1 post / day Domain Authority 51 Get Email Contact

10. FaithonView

FaithonView FaithonView.com, founded by Rondall Reynoso, is a vibrant platform exploring the intersections of art, faith, and culture. Rondall, an artist and scholar with a passion for transparency in faith, is joined by his wife Pamela, a photographer, and a diverse team of contributors including Scott Culpepper, Paul Hand, Vershal Hogan, and Scot Loyd. The blog aims to help Christians navigate the complexities of faith, offering resources such as Christian college rankings and a daily newsletter that curates the best Christian news and commentary from various perspectives.
Blog faithonview.com
Facebook Followers 12.6KTwitter Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 101 Frequency 2 posts / day Domain Authority 34 Get Email Contact

11. Eclectic Orthodoxy

Eclectic Orthodoxy A theological blog devoted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Church Fathers, and the Orthodox faith.
Blog afkimel.wordpress.com
Facebook Followers 5.8KTwitter Followers 6.5K Frequency 2 posts / week Since Oct 2012 Domain Authority 45 Get Email Contact

12. P.OST | an evangelical theology for the age to come

P.OST | an evangelical theology for the age to come My overriding theological interest at the moment is in how we retell the biblical story as we negotiate the difficult transition from the centre to the margins of our culture following the collapse of Western Christendom. Working on a narrative-historical theology for the church after Christendom.
Blog postost.net
Twitter Followers 1.1K Frequency 1 post / week Since Sep 2003 Domain Authority 34 Get Email Contact

13. Concordia Theology

Concordia Theology ConcordiaTheology.org is a space where theology happens, where theological thinking intersects current events, contemporary cultures, and global society. It provides a range of resources to support pastors and congregations in their preaching, teaching, and ministry within their communities.
Blog concordiatheology.org
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 2.5K Frequency 2 posts / week Domain Authority 37 Get Email Contact

14. The Wabash Center Blog

The Wabash Center Blog Engage with our bloggers on a wide range of topics, and critical reflection on teaching religion and theology. The Wabash Center's constituency are faculty in the fields of theology and religion. We support faculty reflecting upon teaching and the teaching life when employed in theological education, colleges and universities in North America.
Blog wabashcenter.wabash.edu
Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 720 Frequency 4 posts / month Domain Authority 62 Get Email Contact

15. Theocast Reformed Theology

Theocast Reformed Theology Four pastors who provide weekly podcasts, blogs, books and videos about life from a reformed theological perspective.
Blog theocast.org
Facebook Followers 15.6KTwitter Followers 6.6KInstagram Followers 13.2K Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 31 Get Email Contact

16. Catholic Moral Theology

Catholic Moral Theology Catholic moral theologians blogging toward deeper friendship, wisdom, and discipleship, for the sake of the kingdom of God. RTs mean interest, not endorsement.
Blog catholicmoraltheology.com
Twitter Followers 2K Frequency 3 posts / month Domain Authority 47 Get Email Contact

17. Canon Fodder

Canon Fodder Michael J. Kruger is the President and Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte. Exploring the origins of the New Testament canon and other biblical and theological issues.
Blog michaeljkruger.com
Facebook Followers 5.5KTwitter Followers 12K Frequency 2 posts / month Domain Authority 45 Get Email Contact

18. Right Reason

Right Reason The New Zealand based blog and podcast that looks at theology, philosophy, biblical studies and social issues from a Christian point of view.
Blog rightreason.org
Facebook Followers 513Twitter Followers 3.3K Frequency 1 post / quarter Domain Authority 37 Get Email Contact

19. Liberation Theology Lutheran

Liberation Theology Lutheran I'm a lifelong Lutheran, and although I'm aware of some of the problems with Liberation Theology, it has spoken to me for much of my adolescent and adult life. All of the thoughts on this blog are mine, and I don't intend to speak for any other Lutherans or Liberation Theologians.
Blog liberationtheologylutheran.blogspot.com
Frequency 3 posts / week Since Nov 2008 Domain Authority 19 Get Email Contact

20. Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary Blog

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary Blog Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary is committed to glorifying God by training men to fulfill the Great Commission, read posts from the Seminary on their blog. Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary exists for the glory of God to serve local churches by shaping faithful men for the gospel ministry through the word of God.
Blog dbts.edu/blog
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 981 Frequency 2 posts / month Since Dec 2011 Domain Authority 42 Get Email Contact

21. ReasonableTheology.org | Sound Doctrine in Plain Language

ReasonableTheology.org | Sound Doctrine in Plain Language Reasonable Theology seeks to explain and defend the theology, worldview, and doctrine of the Christian faith.
Blog reasonabletheology.org
Facebook Followers 6.3KTwitter Followers 3K Frequency 2 posts / quarter Domain Authority 47 Get Email Contact

22. Foster's Theological Reflections

Foster's Theological Reflections Sporadic theological and historical musings by Edgar Foster (Ph.D. in Theology and Religious Studies and one of Jehovah's Witnesses).
Blog fosterheologicalreflections.blogspot.com
Frequency 4 posts / week Domain Authority 16 Get Email Contact

23. Women in Theology - WIT

Women in Theology - WIT WIT is a shared blog by women trained in the academic disciplines of theology who write from a Christian ecumenical and often feminist perspective.
Blog womenintheology.org
Facebook Followers 2.4KTwitter Followers 6K Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 39 Get Email Contact

24. Art & Theology

Art & Theology Created by Victoria Emily Jones, ART & THEOLOGY aims to bring these two disciplines into conversation with each other for the spiritual nourishment of the church. Revitalizing the Christian imagination through painting, poetry, music, and more.
Blog artandtheology.org
Facebook Followers 3.5KTwitter Followers 1.7K Frequency 5 posts / month Domain Authority 30 Get Email Contact

25. Fuller Analytic Theology

Fuller Analytic Theology Prayer, Love, and Human Nature: Analytic Theology for Theological Formation is a multi-million dollar initiative funded by the John Templeton Foundation at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. We are a team of theologians working on deepening and thickening out Analytic Theology, as well as applying it to the practice of Christian churches.
Blog analytictheology.fuller.edu
Facebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 351 Frequency 1 post / quarter Domain Authority 60 Get Email Contact

26. Art of Holiness

Art of Holiness The art of living out a Wesleyan theology that is Orthodox, practical and joyful.
Blog artofholiness.com
Twitter Followers 3.3K Frequency 4 posts / month Domain Authority 26 Get Email Contact

27. Exegesis and Theology

Exegesis and Theology The Blog of Brian Collins who completed his Ph.D. in theology at Bob Jones University's Seminary and Graduate School of Religion in 2011. He is a Bible Integration specialist at BJU Press in Greenville, SC.
Blog exegesisandtheology.com
Frequency 3 posts / month Domain Authority 26 Get Email Contact

28. Blogging Theologically | Jesus, Books, Culture, & Theology

Blogging Theologically | Jesus, Books, Culture, & Theology Featuring book reviews along with commentary on Scripture and culture, Blogging Theologically's purpose is to help inform and increase its readers' love for Christ.
Blog aaronarmstrong.co
Facebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 3.9K Frequency 1 post / week Since Feb 2009 Domain Authority 42 Get Email Contact

29. Theology That Matters

Theology That Matters A blog by Timothy J. Hammons. God gives us all gifts, some spiritual, some practical. I feel compelled to write about things from a Christian world perspective.
Blog timothyjhammons.com
Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 26 Get Email Contact

30. Knucklehead Theology

Knucklehead Theology The rantings and ravings, teaching and occasional preaching of a Christian who makes his living rebuilding and modifying vintage Harley Davidsons.
Blog knuckleheadtheology.blogspot.com
Frequency 2 posts / month Domain Authority 22 Get Email Contact

Show 31 to 872

Theology Bloggers

Top bloggers, editors, and contributors covering Theology. Get Spreadsheet
Blogger Name Email Designation Blog Link
Artur Rosman Authorchurchlifejournal.nd.edu/articles
Jessica Keating Associate Editorchurchlifejournal.nd.edu/articles
Victoria Emily Jones Authorartandtheology.org
Neeparanya Guha Contributorfaithonview.com
Paul Conyers Contributorfaithonview.com
Melanie Encina Contributorfaithonview.com
Vershal Hogan Contributorfaithonview.com
Scot Loyd Contributorfaithonview.com
Dorothy Wells Contributorfaithonview.com
Rondall Reynoso Contributorfaithonview.com
Scott Culpepper Contributorfaithonview.com
Joseph L. Kimmel Contributorfaithonview.com
Chance Bonar Contributorfaithonview.com
Kristy Nabhan-Warren Contributorfaithonview.com
Evan Stewart Contributorfaithonview.com
Abbey Stockstill Contributorfaithonview.com
Aaron Armstrong Contributorbloggingtheologically.com
Raj Bharat Patta Contributorpoliticaltheology.com
John Cavadini Contributorchurchlifejournal.nd.edu
Mary Healy Contributorchurchlifejournal.nd.edu
Thomas Weinandy Contributorchurchlifejournal.nd.edu
john_hendryx Contributormonergism.com
Paul Morrison Contributorpastortheologians.com
Michael Kruger Contributormichaeljkruger.com
Nancy Lynne Westfield Contributorwabash.edu
Ph.D. Contributorwabash.edu
Clayton Kraby Contributorreasonabletheology.org
Patrick Clark Contributorcatholicmoraltheology.com
Christopher Peppler Contributortruthistheword.com
Sarah Zager Contributorpoliticaltheology.com
Matt Allbritton Contributorfaithonview.com
Jana Bennett Contributorcatholicmoraltheology.com
Amy Christie Contributorfaithonview.com
Stephen Campbell Contributorpastortheologians.com
Cyril O'regan Contributorchurchlifejournal.nd.edu
Jon English Lee Contributorpastortheologians.com
Alexandria Contributorwomenintheology.org
Andy Naselli Contributorandynaselli.com
Ben Edwards Contributordbts.edu
William Robert Contributorpoliticaltheology.com
Andrew Contributorpostost.net
Maria Gwyn McDowell Contributorwomenintheology.org
Anthony D Baker Contributorpatheos.com
Pamela Reynoso Contributorfaithonview.com
John Bergsma Contributorthesacredpage.com
Brian Contributorexegesisandtheology.com
Caralie Cooke Contributorpoliticaltheology.com
Timothy Contributortimothyjhammons.com
Basit Kareem Iqbal Contributorpoliticaltheology.com
Douglas Wilson Contributordougwils.com
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