30 Best Chicago Christian Blogs and Websites in 2024
Chicago Christian Blogs
Here are 30 Best Chicago Christian Blogs you should follow in 2024
1. The Christian Century
The Christian Century is a progressive, independent religious magazine devoted to helping people think critically and live the Christian faith thoughtfully. Known for its excellent essays and poetry, incisive reporting, and commentary, the Century is a leading voice helping readers make sense of faith, culture, and politics in this time.
Blog christiancentury.org
Facebook Followers 18.1KTwitter Followers 20.1K Frequency 6 posts/week Domain Authority 60 Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Archdiocese of Chicago
Grab the latest News Releases and Statements from the Archdiocese of Chicago. Stay tuned for updates regarding Fasting, Penance, and other Praying activities. The Archdiocese of Chicago is the top influential catholic authority in the Chicago region overseeing all Church activities in the city.
Blog archchicago.org
Facebook Followers 15.1KTwitter Followers 33.7KInstagram Followers 6.5K Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 58 Get Email Contact
3. Q Christian Blog
The Q Christian Fellowship blog provides a progressive platform focused on the intersection of LGBTQ identity and Christian faith. The blog features personal stories, theological reflections, and cultural commentary aimed at fostering a fully inclusive vision of Christianity. It explores themes of love, justice, and reconciliation, offering resources for individuals and communities navigating the complexities of LGBTQ acceptance within the church. Through its affirming approach, the blog seeks to create a space where LGBTQ individuals can fully embrace both their faith and identity.
Blog qchristian.org
Facebook Followers 33.7KTwitter Followers 11.1KInstagram Followers 14.6K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 36 Get Email Contact
4. Christian Community Development Association Blog
Read guest articles and the k=latest activities going on at the CCDA. The Christian Community Development Association works to strengthen and inspire Christian Community Development practitioners for community transformation through equipping and connecting.
Blog ccda.org/blog
Facebook Followers 11.9KTwitter Followers 9.2KInstagram Followers 5.1K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 43 Get Email Contact
5. St. John Cantius Church
Read the latest news and information from St. John Cantius Church in Chicago. It is a diverse Catholic church in the heart of Chicago helping many discover a profound sense of the Sacred. Founded by Polish immigrants at the end of the nineteenth century, the parish today represents a broad cross-section of every ethnic, socio-economic, and age group.
Blog cantius.org/news
Facebook Followers 35.2KTwitter Followers 7.6KInstagram Followers 9.1K Frequency 30 posts/year Domain Authority 42 Get Email Contact
6. The Moody Church
Embark on an inspiring journey of faith in action, where every story shared, every volunteer's dedication, and every life touched exemplify the love and teachings of Christ. The Moody Church shares letters from its Senior Pastor Philip Miller to the Moody Church congregation.
Blog moodychurch.org
Facebook Followers 13.8KTwitter Followers 4.3K Frequency 2 posts/week Domain Authority 42 Get Email Contact
7. Moody Church Media Blog
Moody Church Media is a donor-supported ministry of The Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois. We exist to bring glory to God through the transformation of lives. Within this site, you will find the teaching of The Moody Church's Pastor Emeritus, Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer- over 35 years of sermons! We want to help you in your walk with the Lord, find materials for personal study, or, if you don't yet have a relationship with Jesus Christ, we want to share the plan of salvation with you.
Blog moodymedia.org
Facebook Followers 12.7KTwitter Followers 2.8K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 41 Get Email Contact
8. St. James Catholic Church Blog
Follow daily encouragement, hope, and inspiration through stories, testimonies, and uplifting messages from the St. James Staff. Saint James Roman Catholic Church is a diverse community rooted in vibrant eucharistic liturgy, that serves those in need in partnership with others.
Blog stjameswabash.org
Facebook Followers 593Twitter Followers 17Instagram Followers 71 Frequency 7 posts/week Domain Authority 22 Get Email Contact
9. CCIW Disciples Blog
Read updates and thought leadership from the CCIW Disciples. Stay informed on regional Christian activities and events. The Christian Church of Illinois and Wisconsin (CCIW) is a local organization working to spread the message of Discipleship and transform lives.
Blog cciwdisciples.org
Facebook Followers 658Twitter Followers 395 Frequency 3 posts/week Domain Authority 22 Get Email Contact
10. Church of the Resurrection Blog
Explore profound reflections on the simplicity of Christ's teachings. These blog posts aim to educate, inspire, and rekindle the flame of God's work in those who seek to encounter Jesus. Church of the Resurrection is a praying community that works to spread and transform lives through Jesus' love.
Blog churchrez.org
Facebook Followers 2.5KInstagram Followers 1.3K Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 36 Get Email Contact
11. Presbytery of Chicago Blog
Read reflections on scripture, faith, prayer, and spiritual growth. The Presbytery of Chicago's Blog delves into deep topics of Inner peace, Self-Compassion, Climate Justice, and other issues. The Presbytery is a local community that serves and supports diverse, dynamic congregations and worshipping fellowships.
Blog chicagopresbytery.org
Facebook Followers 787Instagram Followers 119 Frequency 3 posts/week Domain Authority 31 Get Email Contact
12. LaSalle Street Church Blog
Find practical insights on applying Christian values in a modern world. The LaSalle Street Church Blog advises and shares inspirational stories of people who found the power within them to transform their lives. LaSalle Street Church is an inclusive church committed to being a loving community of faith, built on the foundation of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Blog lasallestreetchurch.org
Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 33 Get Email Contact
13. Scott Ziegler
Scott Ziegler is the Lead Pastor at The Bridge, a dynamic and rapidly growing church in Chicago's northwest suburbs. Scott is passionate about seeing lives transformed by God's Word. He blogs about following Jesus in regular life, and what that looks like.
Blog pastorscottz.com
Frequency 4 posts/month Domain Authority 6 Get Email Contact
14. Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago Blog
Enjoy reflections on the life and teachings of the Lord and community updates. The Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago are a Catholic religious community who live and serve among the poor in Chicago's West Humboldt Park neighborhood.
Blog franciscansoftheeucharistofchicago.com
Facebook Followers 2.7KInstagram Followers 1.4K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 23 Get Email Contact
15. Immanuel Lutheran Church Chicago Blog
Explore the liberating essence of Jesus' verses in Pastor's blog by Immanuel Lutheran Church Chicago. The Church is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and works to share living in God's Grace through community programs.
Blog immanuellutheranchicago.org
Frequency 1 post/day Domain Authority 18 Get Email Contact
16. The Village Christian Church Blog
Check the Village Christian Church Blog regularly and find Bible-written inspiration to live a better life. The Village is a non-denominational church that teaches the Bible and equips people to live it out. Their mission is to help people experience Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose.
Blog thevillagechristianchurch.com
Instagram Followers 2.2K Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 22 Get Email Contact
17. Glen Arbor Community Church Blog
Glen Arbor is a non-denominational, Bible-believing community church serving the greater community of West Chicago. Keep up with their latest outreach initiatives and community programs on this blog. Follow giveaways and bible verses of the day.
Blog glenarborchurch.com
Facebook Followers 427 Frequency 2 posts/month Domain Authority 15 Get Email Contact
18. Addison Street Community Church Blog
Addison Street Community Church is a vibrant and historic church on Chicago's Northside. Here you can discover their musings on Faith, Perspectives and Wsys to apply the Lord's teachings on various issues found in life.
Blog asccchicago.org
Frequency 2 posts/quarter Domain Authority 13 Get Email Contact
19. Jacki's Blog
Navigate life's challenges with insightful teachings and stories of triumph and perseverance rooted in unwavering faith. Jacki's Blog appears on Eden United Church of Christ's website, a Christian congregation dedicated to fulfilling needs of its neighbour through Jesus' words.
Blog edenuccchicago.org
Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 17 Get Email Contact
20. Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church Blog
Explores theological concepts, debates, and interpretations of scripture, fostering a deeper understanding of Christian beliefs and doctrines. Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church is a confessional Reformed Baptist church seeking to glorify the one and only living, worthy, and triune God.
Blog christthekingrbc.org
Twitter Followers 14Instagram Followers 34 Frequency 7 posts/quarter Domain Authority 10 Get Email Contact
21. Church in the Square Blog
Step towards the light with Gospel insights and deeply enriching reflections on faith, life, and the transformative power of Christ's teachings. Church in the Square is a Church community dedicated to reciting, teaching and spreading the word of Christ in Northwest Chicago.
Blog churchinthesquare.com
Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 6 Get Email Contact
22. An Everyday Pastor, Pastoring
This is the blog of Lindsay Mack, the pastor at Luther Memorial Church and these are the sermons delivered there, available to everyone who seeks to hear what we discern about God's will for all of us.
Blog lindsaymack.blogspot.com
Frequency 5 posts/year Domain Authority 3 Get Email Contact
23. Chicago Tabernacle Blog
Browse the latest articles and stay connected and up to date on what is happening at the Chicago Tabernacle. The Chicago Tabernacle is an all-inclusive church based in the heart of Chicago city, devoted to serving others into greatness.
Blog chicagotabernacle.org
Facebook Followers 7.9KInstagram Followers 6.5K Frequency 22 posts/year Domain Authority 24 Get Email Contact
24. Greater Chicago Church Blog
Follow the latest updates from the Greater Chicago Church community. Discover the essence of GCC's mission-driven initiatives, from feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless to empowering youth through mentorship and education.
Blog greaterchicagochurch.com
Facebook Followers 2.4KInstagram Followers 493 Frequency 7 posts/year Domain Authority 16 Get Email Contact
25. 180 Chicago Church Blog
Embark on a spiritual journey with us as the 180 Chicago Church Blog explores the faith, hope, and love found in Christ's teachings. 180 Chicago Church is a diverse group of people who work to transform lives through Discipleship.
Blog 180chicago.church
Facebook Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 1K Frequency 10 posts/year Domain Authority 20 Get Email Contact
26. Faith & Work Chicago Blog
Discover a series of reflections and encouragement to the scattered Church of Jesus Christ. The Faith & Work Chicago Blog answers commonly found dilemmas in everyday life through interpretations from the word of god.
Blog faithandworkchicago.com
Instagram Followers 776 Frequency 2 posts/year Domain Authority 14 Get Email Contact
27. Bethany Union Church of Chicago Blog
Explore God's love through stories of impact, hope, and service. Get started on the acts of kindness through Bethany Union Church of Chicago's community events. Th Church aims to cultivate compassion driven by the vision received from christ.
Blog bethanyunion.com
Facebook Followers 622 Frequency 1 post/year Domain Authority 13 Get Email Contact
28. Cross Culture Church Blog
Cross Culture Church is a Spiritual family, shaped by suffering and power revealed in the cross, and made up of people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, through the Gospel. Explore their blog for a glimpse into their ongoing programs, events, and initiatives designed to extend compassion beyond our church walls.
Blog crossculturechicago.org
Facebook Followers 464Instagram Followers 315 Frequency 9 posts/year Domain Authority 13 Get Email Contact
Chicago Christian Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Sarah Becerra | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Erica Sandeno | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Mike Strunga | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Seneca Campus Pastor | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Jen King | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Michael Zackavec | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Karol Scott | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Village Blogger | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Shannon Wujek | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Executive Pastor | Contributor | thevillagechristianchurch.com | |
Alex Ruth | Contributor | cciwdisciples.org | |
Church Staff | Contributor | stjameswabash.org | |
Jon Huff | Contributor | moodychurch.org | |
Elsa Wiese | Contributor | moodychurch.org | |
Ccda Guest | Contributor | ccda.org | |
Aiden Nathaniel Diaz | Contributor | qchristian.org | |
Millie Piper | Contributor | qchristian.org | |
Carter Kelly | Contributor | qchristian.org | |
Jana Blazek | Contributor | chicagopresbytery.org | |
Lasalle Street | Contributor | lasallestreetchurch.org | |
Scott Ziegler | Contributor | pastorscottz.com | |
Ctadmin | Contributor | chicagotabernacle.org | |
Cciw Disciples | Contributor | cciwdisciples.org | |
Franciscans Of The Eucharist | Contributor | franciscansoftheeucharistofchicago.com | |
Pastor Monte | Contributor | immanuellutheranchicago.org | |
Jacki | Contributor | edenuccchicago.org | |
Brandon Myers | Contributor | christthekingrbc.org | |
Joe Calabrese | Contributor | christthekingrbc.org |