20 Best Catholic Homeschool Blogs and Websites in 2024

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The best Catholic Homeschool blogs from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers & freshness.

Catholic Homeschool Blogs

Here are 20 Best Catholic Homeschool Blogs you should follow in 2024

1. Homeschool Connections Blog

Homeschool Connections Blog Homeschool Connections has been providing families across the world with expert online instruction, supporting you in the challenges and joys of homeschooling, to help to make your homeschool strong.
Blog homeschoolconnections.com
Facebook Followers 12.1KTwitter Followers 1.3K Frequency 1 post / day Domain Authority 30 Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.

2. This Catholic Family

This Catholic Family Hi, I'm Lorelei, Catholic convert and debut author. I'm a former classroom teacher and instructional coach.The blog is run by a Catholic family that shares their experiences related to faith, family, and life. The blog covers topics like parenting, marriage, home education, and Catholic culture.
Blog thiscatholicfamily.com
Facebook Followers 377Twitter Followers 2.6K Frequency 11 posts / year Domain Authority 19 Get Email Contact

3. Classical Liberal Arts Academy Blog

Classical Liberal Arts Academy Blog The Classical homeschool blog provides parents with a great starting place for learning about the history and principles of classical homeschooling. The Classical Liberal Arts Academy was founded in 2008 with a mission 'to research, restore, publish and teach the classical Catholic curriculum studied and taught by wise man and saints throughout history.'
Blog classicalliberalarts.com
Frequency 5 posts / week Domain Authority 26 Get Email Contact

4. Kolbe Blog

Kolbe Blog Kolbe Academy is a full service Catholic homeschool program, with an Online Academy, that provides a rigorous, classical and solidly Catholic curriculum. The mission of Kolbe Academy is to assist the home educator in forming classically educated young men and women according to the unbroken tradition and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
Blog kolbe.org/blog
Facebook Followers 7KInstagram Followers 1.6K Frequency 2 posts / week Domain Authority 35 Get Email Contact

5. Your Morning Basket Blog

Your Morning Basket Blog I'm Pam Barnhill - an award-winning educator and homeschool mom of three (mostly) awesome kids. If you are searching for resources to help you thrive in your homeschool, here you will find exactly what you are looking for.
Blog pambarnhill.com
Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 40 Get Email Contact

6. Catholic Schoolhouse Blog

Catholic Schoolhouse Blog At Catholic Schoolhouse, we bring families together, allowing them to share and experience immersion in a loving Catholic Community-a community that strives to grow in virtue and holiness. Together, we encounter the true, good, and beautiful while forming tomorrow's Catholic adults to be light in the world.
Blog catholicschoolhouse.com
Facebook Followers 3KInstagram Followers 1.6K Frequency 2 posts / quarter Domain Authority 21 Get Email Contact

7. Joyous Lessons Blog

Joyous Lessons Blog Sharing the joys of a Catholic Charlotte Mason education at home. I'm Celeste, mom to ten children, fifteen and under, and Charlotte Mason homeschooler. Once upon a time, I was studying to be an English professor; now I'm a homeschool mother grateful for the philosophy of Charlotte Mason.
Blog joyouslessons.blogspot.com
Facebook Followers 2.1K Frequency 1 post / quarter Domain Authority 27 Get Email Contact

8. Mercy for Marthas

Mercy for Marthas In this blog, we hope to share with you some of our experiences and insights as Catholic homeschooling mothers. We hope to inspire you to a life of prayer and to offer support and encouragement. Since, like St. Martha, we are practical women, we will also post lessons plans and resources that we have created over the years. We hope you will find them useful and that they will simplify your life....maybe even a little.
Blog mercyformarthas.com
Frequency 1 post / month Domain Authority 20 Get Email Contact

9. Catholic Homeschool.Online Blog

Catholic Homeschool.Online Blog Catholic Homeschool.Online is the host for the Catholic Homeschool Community, The Catholic Homeschool Podcast and the new Catholic Community Center. It has become the trusted and cherished place for everything you need to homeschool your children, from finding support to finding and planning the BEST curriculum that fits your family, all while supporting you in prayer, and love.
Blog catholichomeschool.online
Facebook Followers 2.3KInstagram Followers 1.6K Frequency 2 posts / quarter Domain Authority 8 Get Email Contact

10. Shower of Roses Blog

Shower of Roses Blog Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure.
Blog showerofrosesblog.com
Facebook Followers 8.4KTwitter Followers 103Instagram Followers 9.4K Domain Authority 39 Get Email Contact

11. Not So Formulaic

Not So Formulaic I'm Ginny - wife to Dan and mom to three great kiddos. I'm passionately Catholic, a Gifted and Twice Exceptional advocate, and a former high school English teacher turned homeschooling mom. Let's pursue the true, the good, and the beautiful as we break down stereotypes.
Blog notsoformulaic.com
Facebook Followers 7.5KTwitter Followers 339 Since Feb 2016 Domain Authority 35 Get Email Contact

12. Elizabeth Clare Blog » Homeschool

Elizabeth Clare Blog » Homeschool I'm Elizabeth. A Catholic planner creator, writer, lover of the Lord, wife, mother, homemaker, homeschooler, and coffee and chocolate admirer. Here you will find lots of encouragement, inspiration, and practical help for living your faith and life well.
Blog elizabethclareblog.com
Facebook Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 3.7K Domain Authority 26 Get Email Contact

13. Catholic Homeschool Conference

Catholic Homeschool Conference Empowering you to homeschool joyfully. The place for Catholic Homeschooling families to share, learn, and encourage each other as we journey in JOY of life-long learning!
Blog catholichomeschoolconference.com
Facebook Followers 2.3KInstagram Followers 1.6K Domain Authority 19 Get Email Contact

14. St Brigids Academy Blog

St Brigids Academy Blog Melissa is a Roman Catholic wife and mother to 10 children (3 are in Heaven). I spend most days here in Minnesota trying to achieve my goals of enriching our faith life, homeschooling our children, personal health, strengthening our marriage, nurturing friendships, managing finances, and caring for our home. We are relaxed home educators who integrate academics into our day instead of making it the main event. We lead a simple lifestyle, centered around our faith and family.
Blog stbrigidsacademy.blogspot.com
Frequency 1 post / year Domain Authority 26 Get Email Contact

15. Heart of a Mother Blog

Heart of a Mother Blog Jenny is a Catholic homeschooling mom who is passionate about encouraging and connecting mothers through their homeschooling journeys as all grow in virtue and are sanctified by vocations as wives, mothers, and homeschoolers. She shares her experiences, ideas, thoughts, articles, and more in the Heart of a Mother Blog.
Blog heartofamother.net
Facebook Followers 743Instagram Followers 361 Domain Authority 10 Get Email Contact

16. A Plan For Joy Blog

A Plan For Joy Blog My name is Laura and I have been homeschooling for over 20 years. Stay up-to-date with the latest information to help make your homeschooling more enjoyable and less overwhelming.
Blog aplanforjoyinthehome.com
Facebook Followers 3KInstagram Followers 687 Domain Authority 13 Get Email Contact

Show 17 to 100

Catholic Homeschool Bloggers

Top bloggers, editors, and contributors covering Catholic Homeschool. Get Spreadsheet
Blogger Name Email Designation Blog Link
Lorelei Savaryn Authorthiscatholicfamily.com
William C. Michael Owner And Authorclassicalliberalarts.com/blog
Pam Barnhill Authorpambarnhill.com/blog-page
Kathy Rabideau Authorcatholicschoolhouse.com/blog
Celeste Cruz Authorjoyouslessons.blogspot.com
Jessica Gordon Authorshowerofrosesblog.com
Ginny Kochis Authornotsoformulaic.com/blog
Jenny Koons Bales Authorheartofamother.net/blog
Laura Dominick Authoraplanforjoyinthehome.com/blog
Homeschool Connections Contributorhomeschoolconnections.com
Paola Contributorcatholichomeschool.online
Phillip Campbell Contributorhomeschoolconnections.com
Maureen Wittmann Contributorhomeschoolconnections.com
Kristen Contributorcatholicschoolhouse.com
Mary Cooney Contributormercyformarthas.com
Dania Michael Contributorclassicalliberalarts.com
Rachel Figg Contributorpambarnhill.com
O.p. Contributorclassicalliberalarts.com
Cynthia Akey Contributorcatholicschoolhouse.com
Genie Shaw Contributorpambarnhill.com
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